India Suspends Canadian Visas and Requests Diplomatic Downsizing Amid Escalating Dispute

Updated on: 2023-09-24 - 2 mins read
Visa DisputeDiplomatic TensionsCanada-India RelationsVisa SuspensionDiplomatic DownsizingEscalating Dispute
"India Suspends Canadian Visas and Requests Diplomatic Downsizing Amid Escalating Dispute"

Key Points:

  • India has suspended the issuance of new visas for Canadian citizens due to allegations linking India to the murder of a Sikh separatist made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
  • In response to the visa suspension and Trudeau's allegations, India has requested Canada to reduce its diplomatic presence in the country.
  • The suspension of new visas is reportedly due to "security threats" faced by Indian consulate staff in Canada, although specific details about these threats have not been disclosed.
  • Tensions escalated after Trudeau announced an investigation into allegations of Indian government involvement in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in British Columbia, a claim that India vehemently denies.
  • The diplomatic dispute has significant trade implications, with negotiations on a proposed trade deal between India and Canada coming to a halt.
  • Canada's significant Sikh population and historical tensions related to Sikh separatism have contributed to the complexity of the dispute, with potential implications for trade, international relations, and security.


In an unprecedented diplomatic escalation, India has suspended new visa issuances for Canadian citizens and requested that Canada reduce its diplomatic presence in the country. This move comes in response to allegations made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who suggested India's involvement in the murder of a Sikh separatist. India strongly denies any connection to the crime.

The Escalating Diplomatic Dispute:

New Delhi, September 22, 2023 - India has taken a significant diplomatic step by suspending the issuance of new visas for Canadian citizens and urging Canada to reduce its diplomatic footprint within the country. This action follows accusations made by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, implicating India in the murder of a Sikh separatist.

This decision by India marks a low point in India-Canada relations, as it involves a blanket suspension of visas for a Western nation, an unprecedented move.

Shortly after India's action, Canada's high commission in India announced a temporary reduction in staff presence due to unspecified threats received on social media platforms. India has assured foreign diplomats of full security and support.

Indian foreign ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi explained that the suspension of new visas for Canadians was due to "security threats" faced by its staff in its consulates in Canada. However, no details regarding the nature of these security threats were provided. In response, Canada's public safety minister, Dominic LeBlanc, stated that Canada is a safe country.

"Our high commission and consulates are temporarily unable to process visa applications," LeBlanc stated, adding that the security situation would be regularly reviewed.

Risk to Reputation:

The escalating tensions began when Prime Minister Trudeau announced an investigation into "credible allegations" suggesting the potential involvement of Indian government agents in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in British Columbia.

The Indian government, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, vehemently denied any connections to the alleged murder. Canadian officials have not disclosed why they believe India might be linked to Nijjar's murder.

The two nations have since engaged in tit-for-tat expulsions of senior diplomats and issued reciprocal travel advisories. Bagchi stated that India was "willing to look at any specific information," which has been conveyed to the Canadian side. However, India has not received any specific information on the matter.

Canada has discussed the issue with key allies such as the Five Eyes intelligence sharing alliance, which includes the United States, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. Washington, London, and Canberra have expressed concern over the dispute.

Threat to Trade Ties:

The Sikh community in Canada is substantial, with about 770,000 people reporting Sikhism as their religion in the 2021 census. Although there is little support for Sikh separatism within India, small groups of Sikhs in countries like Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States have supported the separatist cause and occasionally staged protests outside Indian embassies.

This dispute is also putting strain on trade ties, with negotiations on a proposed trade deal coming to a halt. Canada is India's 17th largest foreign investor, and Canadian portfolio investors have invested billions of dollars in Indian financial markets.

Since 2018, India has been the largest source of international students in Canada, with their numbers rising by 47% in 2022 to nearly 320,000.

Industry estimates suggest that the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between Canada and India could boost two-way trade by as much as $6.5 billion.


The current diplomatic standoff between India and Canada, triggered by allegations of India's involvement in a murder case, has serious implications for both countries. While the dispute has already led to tit-for-tat expulsions and travel advisories, its impact on trade and international relations could be even more significant. Both nations face the challenge of finding a resolution to de-escalate tensions and maintain their diplomatic and economic ties.

Official Link:

BLS International, India Visa Application Center Canada: Due to operational reasons, with effect from 21 September 2023, Indian visa services have been suspended till further notice