US Dollar to Indian Rupee (USD-INR) live rates and analysis



USD-INR 1 year Chart

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Get the latest and live USD to INR and INR to USD exchange rates with our reliable and accurate currency converter. Our tool provides real-time exchange rates to help you make informed decisions when converting between USD and INR. With our live USD to INR exchange rate, you'll always have access to the most up-to-date information available. Whether you're a traveler, a business owner, or just need to convert currency, our platform is a one-stop solution for all your currency conversion needs. Try it today and see why we're the go-to source for live USD to INR and INR to USD exchange rates!

USD to INR Historic Rates

2024-07-251 USD = 83.7378 INR
2024-07-241 USD = 83.7432 INR
2024-07-231 USD = 83.7070 INR
2024-07-221 USD = 83.6715 INR
2024-07-211 USD = 83.7305 INR
2024-07-201 USD = 83.7298 INR
2024-07-191 USD = 83.7298 INR
2024-07-181 USD = 83.6893 INR
2024-07-171 USD = 83.5724 INR
2024-07-161 USD = 83.5299 INR
2024-07-151 USD = 83.5879 INR
2024-07-141 USD = 83.5205 INR
2024-07-131 USD = 83.5193 INR
2024-07-121 USD = 83.5193 INR
2024-07-111 USD = 83.5187 INR
2024-07-101 USD = 83.4961 INR
2024-07-091 USD = 83.4933 INR
2024-07-081 USD = 83.4572 INR
2024-07-071 USD = 83.4723 INR
2024-07-061 USD = 83.4771 INR
2024-07-051 USD = 83.4771 INR
2024-07-041 USD = 83.4937 INR
2024-07-031 USD = 83.4914 INR
2024-07-021 USD = 83.4793 INR
2024-07-011 USD = 83.4414 INR
2024-06-301 USD = 83.3677 INR
2024-06-291 USD = 83.3644 INR
2024-06-281 USD = 83.3644 INR
2024-06-271 USD = 83.4511 INR
2024-06-261 USD = 83.5807 INR